Monday, April 11, 2016

Growth Mindset: Positive Side of Stress

Growth Mindset Challenge: Stress

This week I decided to look at some Growth Mindset challenges. I was particularly intrigued by the article How Harnessing the Positive Side of Stress Can Change Student Mindsets. In this article, health psychologist Kelly McGonigal talks about how many people only see the negative effects of stress. Stress can impact the a person negatively in health, cognitive processes, and self-control. Stress is a response in your body, mind, and community that arises when you know something is at stake. This is known as a threat response. McGonigal states that if students can be taught to have a "challenge response" to stress, they can use it to do better. I think this is a really interesting concept. As a college student, it is important to learn how to cope with stress in a proper manner. In one of my psychology classes this semester, I learned that if we didn't stress so much, we could live for much longer. After reading this article, I realized that I should figure out better ways to cope. 

(Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. Source: Wikimedia Commons)

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