Friday, January 22, 2016

Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset

Before this assignment, I had never heard of the growth mindset. The idea of a growth mindset and thinking of what is yet to come, rather than what is going to happen right away, is very interesting. This idea makes sense to me because it's a way for students to actually engage in what they are learning, rather than just learning something for the sake of a certain grade. I've always seen students (including myself) only learn material for a specific test and then forget the information afterwards. Using a growth mindset, teachers can teach students to actually strive to gain new knowledge solely for the sake of expanding their minds. 
I will definitely be putting the ideas set forth by Carol Dweck into my daily life. I feel like this outlook can help better my experience as a student. While attending OU, I feel like I've been learning information for my classes and then forgetting it after I was tested over it. This has proven to be quite detrimental to my learning experience, especially since some of the material I've learned has overlapped between several different classes. I've found myself forgetting information that I already learned, and having to relearn it for my next class. Hopefully, with a growth mindset, I can change this bad habit of mine. 

A meme from the Growth Mindset Memes Blog
Image created with:


  1. It's great that you see the value in what Dr. Dweck is expressing in her book. Actually I own her "Mindset" book and I look forward to reading it during this semester. I bought it last summer and I have been procrastinating with reading it ever since. Hopefully this class will encourage me to open the book more often. It was easy to relate when you mentioned forgetting information right after a test, this is something that I suspect happens with most people.

  2. Hey!
    I also liked the whole idea of the Growth Mindset – for me as a student it helps to focus on actually learning, rather than making a certain grade. I have tried out some of the Growth Mindset challenges this semester, and I think it has really made a difference in my approach to classes and learning. I am able to concentrate more on learning and understanding the material, and then when the test comes around I feel confident that I know the stuff!

  3. I can really relate with just learning material and then forgetting it right after a test. This seems like a common thing among students because so much weight is placed on the grade in the course and not whether the students actually learned anything. I need to get out of this habit myself because, like you, I have many classes that build off of one another.
