Friday, January 22, 2016

Storybook Favorites

The first storybook title that caught my eye was Shreemati News. Upon viewing the storybook, I was really intrigued by the organization of the story. I really enjoyed the set up of the story and how the author made it into a news report. The introduction successfully explained the topic and I definitely was compelled to keep reading. The design and layout of the page is sleek and easy to navigate. I really liked the "read more here" option on the home page. 

The next title that stuck out to me was Elephants of Indian Epics because my favorite animal is the elephant. To be honest, I didn't quite know what the story was going to be about from just reading the title, other than that it would involve elephants. After reading the introduction, I was more informed about the content of the story. I enjoyed the outline of the page and how easy it was to navigate the page. My favorite part of the stories was how they connected each story to an elephant. I really loved the image on the home page because the elephant looked so cute and colorful. I was also pulled in because of the vibrant color on the background of the pages.

 Image by Bonnie Morgan

As I was browsing the titles of past storybooks, I was intrigued by one titled, The Ganges River. This title pulled me in because growing up, my parents always talked to me about the Ganges and how it is one of the greatest experiences to visit. Of all the stories I looked through, this introduction was my favorite. I loved reading about how the boy, Ajay, didn't understand why the Ganges was an important Holy River. It was a very well-written introduction that allowed me to understand what the rest of the story would be about. The set up of the page was elegant and the colors chosen made sense with the topic. I will definitely look into different fonts for my storybook, like the one used in this example.

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