Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tulsa, OK: My Favorite Place

Tulsa, OK
I was born and (for the most part) raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have visited quite a few cities in my 20 years but none have impacted me as much as Tulsa has. There is just something so home-y about Tulsa. I have to admit that my favorite thing is how close by everything is to the house I grew up in. I feel like Tulsa has a big city vibe without actually being that big. There's still a sense of closeness in the residents. Also, I believe that Tulsa is a beautiful city and a great place to raise a family (in the distant future). Just look at that skyline of downtown Tulsa.

(Skyline of Tulsa: Wikimedia Commons)


  1. Tulsa is so much fun, Roshni! I am sure you will not be the only person who names it as a favorite place. Sometimes people have actually been living in Tulsa while they are taking this class, thanks to the magic of online courses. And, of course, it is easy to get back there to visit for the weekend, so that you can keep an eye on that lovely skyline as we move from winter and into the springtime this semester! :-)

  2. Hey there!
    I think it is wonderful that your hometown is your favorite place! I grew up in a small, country town, and I loved it! I haven’t really had the chance to visit Tulsa, but I have heard nothing but great things about it! I know that I love the size of Norman (compared to my tiny town), so I can imagine Tulsa being a wonderful place!
