Monday, January 25, 2016

Learning Challenges

Learning by HEART

After looking into the concept of Learning by HEART more in depth, I have become very interested in implementing aspects of this into my life. As the new year came around, I did some introspection and decided that this year, I wanted to read for fun more. I feel like as a college student, I never get the chance to read books purely for recreation. I spend my time dreading having to read my textbooks and consider that my "reading" for the day. I have started to read for fun for about thirty minutes everyday. 

(The Problem with a Good Book. Source: Learning by HEART)

Another thing I need to work on is time management. This is quite possible the most difficult thing for most college students to figure out. I find myself waiting until the last minute to do just about any assignment or studying. I have learned that keeping a planner and writing in it daily has helped me to keep up with my school work in a timely manner. Doing this has also helped me find more time to read books that I actually enjoy. 

(Planner. Source: flickr)

1 comment:

  1. Hello again!
    I have been working on a learning challenge each week – and I love it! I really enjoy being able to explore different areas and improve on myself (and get class credit for it)! I love that you decided to read more for fun. I love reading – I BINGE read – it’s a really bad obsession – but…a good one at the same time, right? I hope you have been able to do some fun reading, as well a master time management!
