Thursday, January 21, 2016

Introduction to a Future Physician Assistant

Introduction to a Future Physician Assistant 

Hello everyone! My name is Roshni Suthar (pronounced like row-sh-knee). I am currently a junior at the University of Oklahoma. I am studying Psychology. I enjoy taking psychology courses because it’s so easy to apply what I learn in class to real life situations. Last semester, I took Social Psychology and learned a lot of interesting things like how and why people subconsciously judge others. My favorite class so far in my college career would have to be Abnormal Psychology. I have always been interested in psychological disorders and how they come about. It was really cool to be able to learn about several common disorders more in depth. After graduating, I hope to go to PA school. My long term goal is to become a pediatric PA. 

My parents are from India. They came to America before I was born, so I'm a first generation Indian-American. I feel like I am pretty in touch with my Indian culture and heritage. My parents are Hindus and I have been brought up following the Hindu faith. From a young age, I was told the stories of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Because of my exposure to these epics, I decided to take this course. It's a good refresher on the things my parents taught me when I was younger. 

If there’s one thing to know about me, it’s that I love my sleep. I can literally fall asleep anywhere, at any time of the day. I don’t need a pillow or blanket or even a comfortable location. If I set my mind to it, I can sleep whenever I want. I also really love TV shows. My absolute favorite show is The Office. It’s been almost 3 years since the show ended, but I still watch it religiously. In any given situation, I could probably quote The Office. I love everything about The Office, even the theme song.

 I also love Netflix. I could watch a show for hours upon hours and not even realize how much time has passed. Currently, I’m re-watching Grey’s Anatomy and I also started Criminal Minds.  

The Office logo. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

It’s hard for me to pick a favorite food because I love all kinds of foods. I guess if I had to choose, I would say my favorite foods fall under the Tex-Mex category. But I also really love Indian food because that’s what my mom always cooks at home. Oh, I also love pizza and ice cream. Yeah, I basically love all foods. I could go on and on.

Tex-Mex food. Source: Wikipedia.

Indian food platter. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Hi Roshni! I saw that you like The Office and so do I. I am a big fan of comedy in Television shows and the dry humor in The Office gets me every time. One TV show that reminds me of the office is Parks and Rec. If you haven’t seen that show then I highly suggest it! I recently realized I love Tex-Mex which is strange because I am from Texas but I guess better late then never.

  2. Hey Roshni! Great to "meet you" :) I too love psychology! I am a psych minor so I haven't taken quite as many psych classes as you but I really enjoyed abnormal psych when I took it as well. Another psychology class that I loved when I took it was developmental psych. I found it really easy to apply - like you said - because I love kids and want to be a teacher and I found it fascinating to learn about the ways in which kids grow and develop throughout their childhood! I think PA school is an incredible feat. and I wish you all the luck in the world on your endeavors!

  3. Oh, Roshni, this is an introduction post that is dangerous to look at on an empty stomach: yum!!! And I am also a big fan of SLEEP. That might be a fun topic to explore for a project in this class: as you will learn soon, Ravana's brother Kumbhakarna is a serious sleeper! And there are also some other good stories about sleep. There is even a legend about Lakhsmana's wife, whom he left behind back in Ayodhya: the story goes that she SLEPT the whole time of the Ramayana so that Lakshmana could remain always awake, always guarding Rama and Sita. Pretty intense! Here is the story if you are curious; it is in the Wikipedia article about Lakshmana,s wife: Wikipedia: Urmila. Of course, there are also lots of psychological dimensions (normal AND abnormal) to explore in the epics, so I hope you will find some good connections to your own interests as you read the stories. Enjoy!

  4. Hello there, Roshni! Psychology sounds very interesting - I haven't had the chance to take any classes in college, but I have studied up a little on my own. Some of my family members struggle with various psychological disorders, so it is helpful to understand what is going on, and the best way to handle challenging situations with them.

    Also, sleep is the best thing in the world - hands down! I am not a happy camper unless I get a good ten hours a night, and sometimes I need a nap during the day! Your food pictures made me crave some chips and queso! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  5. That is so cool that you are studying psychology! I always found the human mind fascinating; however I struggled too much with science to ever major in it. Have you read any super interesting psychology books for class or even independently? You’re blog pictures definitely made me hungry! I’m from Texas so Tex-Mex basically runs in my blood haha. I’m not very familiar with Indian food but the picture you put up look delicious! I bet your mom whips up some amazing stuff.

  6. Hi Roshni!

    We have a ton in common! Like you, I absolutely love sleep and I just to watch the Office religiously. It totally wasn't the same once Steve Carrell left, but it was still good.

    Your major sounds really interesting. I always wanted to study psychology. It has always been on my bucket list to learn more about the human psyche and how it differs, yet at the same time doesn't from human to human.

    As a foodie, I really appreciate the food pictures. The Indian food looks unbelievably delicious. If only I could convince my boyfriend to try it!

    It was nice "meeting" you and I look forward to all of your works this semester!

  7. Hi Roshni, it is very cool to hear about how interested you are in psychology. It would be really cool to learn about how people subconsciously judge others. I also saw you watched the office, I have seen a couple episodes but never watched it all but one day I want to because it is so funny when I watch it. Tex Mex is also one of my favorite foods.

  8. Hi Roshni, it is very cool to hear about how interested you are in psychology. It would be really cool to learn about how people subconsciously judge others. I also saw you watched the office, I have seen a couple episodes but never watched it all but one day I want to because it is so funny when I watch it. Tex Mex is also one of my favorite foods.

  9. Hi Roshni, I'm right there with you with the love of sleep. I wish I had your powers of being able to nod off at the drop of a hat though. I'm a bit of an insomniac. Psychology seems like a very interesting subject and I'm glad you enjoy it so much. Anyways, I hope your semester goes smoothly as you work towards your goal of getting into PA school.

  10. Hello Roshni, after reading your introduction I was wondering if you have ever taken any Sociology courses. I am in the business college so my only exposure to social sciences has been through an introduction course to Sociology. I no doubt enjoyed your section about tv shows and food. If you like crime dramas I suggest "The Blacklist" if you have not watched it already and also "Sherlock" if you like mysteries.

  11. Roshni, I am glad I got to read about you. I too love learning about psychology. I find it to be a very interesting field and one that is important in everyday life. Also, I have literally watched the office all the way through five times. It is such a great and hilarious show! I too am a huge fan of Tex-Mex. I grew up in Boerne which is near San Antonio so I really know good mexican food!

  12. Hi, Roshni!

    I love that you spelled your name phonetically for everyone! My last name is always mispronounced, so I can absolutely relate to that. You’re actually the first psychology major that I’ve come across in the class, besides myself. Who did you have for abnormal? I had Dr. Gilliland, and he is one of my absolute favorite professors.

    I feel like I have so much in common with you! I LOVE sleep and food (especially Mexican food) and Netflix! I’ve watched Grey’s Anatomy all the way through twice, and I am currently working my way through friends. We should probably just go ahead and be best friends.

    It was so nice getting to know you, and I hope you have an awesome semester.

  13. Roshni,

    My dad graduated from OU with a psychology degree, he loves it. I'm sure you will also. I am envious of your ability to fall asleep anywhere, it can potentially take me hours to fall asleep. It really makes it hard to keep up with everything in my life. I look forward to reading your work this semester.


  14. Hello Roshni!
    The images of the food you posted here is amazing. I will be finding lunch right after these words! I like all kinds of foods too. The images you have here just look so wholesome and nutritious.
    Studying Psych is really interesting. I have only taken lower division courses in it, but loved it. Social Psych is neat. I think I liked studying Developmental Psych the most. Good luck in all you do in your coursework and future endeavors in the medical profession! Have a wonderful semester!

  15. Hi Roshni, it's very nice to meet you. While I haven't watched all the episodes of The Office, I do understand your love for the show. I have a similar passion for the show Friends. Also, I hope you're enjoying Criminal Minds! That is one of my favorite crime shows. The picture of the Indian food you posted at the end was killer, and I am totally going to get Indian food for dinner later.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Nice to meet you Roshni. I love to sleep as much as you do my friend; I need to start finding the time to do it more often! Ive never really gotten into criminal minds but I know a few people who absolutely love that show. I would definitely have to agree with your choice for a favorite food category though; I love tex mex! Hope you've been having a good semester thus far.

  18. Roshni, I use to want to become a physician’s assistant too! But I didn’t want to take all of the science classes in college… Now I am an Accounting major. I know that the physician assistant’s program at OU is very competitive but it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders! Grey’s Anatomy is a great show – it also makes me want to be a doctor (or PA). Nice to “meet” you.

  19. Roshni, that is so great that you want to be a physician's assistant. My little wants to do the same thing and after seeing some of the class work y'all do I truly have a lot of respect for the practice. I have never watched Grey's Anatomy but I am currently watching all of Friends. I'm almost done so maybe I'll try Grey's next. Those pictures definitely made my mouth water! I love Tex-Mex too since I was born and raised in Fort Worth, which is a big hub of Tex-Mex style foods. Good luck with the rest of your PA studies and I can't wait to read some of your work from this class.

  20. I was already so hungry before I clicked on your introduction, now it’s worse! That food looks so delicious.
    Abnormal psychology sounds like a fascinating subject to read/learn about. The human mind is a very complex things and I find it fascinating when people are able to really look deep and find the root cause of different mental illnesses and so on. I’m incredibly jealous that you are surrounded by Indian culture. This class has opened up my mind to so many different believes and ideas. It has also opened me up to India and now it’s on the top of my list to visit. I haven’t seen the office, but it’s on my to watch list on Netflix. Saying this, I can still quote some of the people. Which is crazy! I’m also a Netflix junkie and I LOVE LOVE Criminal Minds.

  21. Hello Roshni,
    I enjoyed reading your introduction. Especially, the food in the picture (yumm) that really made me hungry. I also love Netflix. That is a big part of my life and I can watch it for hours and hours, in short forever. It was nice knowing you a little. Thanks for sharing. Hope to read more of your blogs.

  22. Hi Roshni,

    I'm back again just to check in. It has been a pleasure to read your project this semester. I think that since you have grown up being told the stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata, you have a unique ability to retell them in a fresh and fascinating way. Was this your last semester at OU? And if so, did you get into PA school?
